Virtual Maidyarem Gahambar and Jashan


May 31, 2020    
All Day


Bookings closed


Zarathusthi Heritage & Cultural Center
8787 W. Airport, Houston, TX, 77071

Dear Friends,

As you all know, the current pandemic has upended our routines, deprived us of regular social interactions and required us to cancel several of our ZAH events. However, in keeping with our ZAH spirit, and to continue our prayers to Ahura Mazda, for the well-being of our Community, we will host a Virtual Live Stream Jashan to celebrate the Maidhyarem Gahambar, on May 31, 2020.  To enhance the virtual experience even further, we will provide a Drive-through pick-up lunch for our members, catered by our very own Naushad Mehta.  This is a curbside pickup Only.

Strict Guidelines will be enforced as per Texas State regulations and per ZAH published guidelines as outlined below, for everyone’s safety:

  1. DO NOT enter the ZAH premises if you feel sick or experience any flu-like symptoms or cough or cold, or just don’t feel comfortable.
  2. Mandatory for everyone, including Volunteers, to wear a mask (and gloves for volunteers), upon entering ZAH premises especially during food pick-up
  3. Members will not be allowed to get out of their cars and roam around the premises
  4. ZAH Center doors will remain closed.  ONLY priests and key AK Committee members will be permitted to enter the Atash Kadeh.
  5. If for any reason you need to park your car, please leave a gap of ONE CAR PARKING SPOT on either side, per Harris County social distancing guidelines
  6. Please follow ALL instructions of the organizers to facilitate proper streamlined traffic flow for food pickup.
  7. Please abide by all  the State of Texas and Harris County regulations prevalent on the day; Strict action will be considered for violators.
Jashan and Food Pickup Details:
Zoom meeting ID: 4192191997
Password: JASHAN          

Boye :  10:30 a.m.

Jashan :  11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.

Curbside Food Pickup:  12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. only (End Time will be strictly enforced)

Highly preferred option would be PayPal, but if paying by check, ZAH needs to receive the check by May 24th NO EXCEPTIONS.  Checks should be made out to ZAH with Gahambar Offering or Gahambar Lunch in memo line and mailed to ZAH at 8787 W. Airport Blvd., Houston, TX-77071. No last minute payments or order cancellations will be accepted.

Last day to book lunch is May 28th or if capacity reached earlier so please book your orders early

This is a unique ZAH undertaking and probably has never been done before. We are working very hard to bring the Community together virtually while maintaining all guidelines during this outreach.  We sincerely request all of you to play your part by complying with all rules and regulations for everyone’s welfare.

Disclaimer and Authorizations: 

I/We will NOT hold ZAH or any board member or the organizer(s), responsible for any COVID-19 related or any other sickness, accidents and/or mishaps either to themselves, to their vehicles or any other vehicle(s), person(s) and/or property. All the rules, regulations and disclaimers are effective upon members entering ZAH premises on the 31st day of May 2020 and shall remain effective until they leave the ZAH premises that day.

Thank you,

Your Entertainment and Atash Kadeh Committees


Bookings are closed for this event.